Joseph is almost 3 1/2 and I wanted to document some of his favorite activities, habits, and quirks before he moves onto the next level of cuteness. How easy it is to forget their tiny little voices and take for granted their personalities at each stage!!
Speaking of voices, Joseph has the most high pitched little boy voice, especially when he is talking about something very exciting, like a passing firetruck or seeing a bug. I know someday his voice is going to be deeper and more manly and I just want to record every adorable inflection!! Lately he has been asking/telling us ‘you copy me,’ and then proceeds to make the silliest sounds and we just repeat after each other until we can’t understand the next one through all the giggling.
Some of Joseph’s favorite activities are sliding cars down a wooden ramp Joe made for him. He props it up on the stairs and races his cars down over and over, excited every time for whoever wins the race. I love that he plays with all the Disney Pixar ‘Cars’ characters but he only knows some of their names. It doesn’t slow him down tough, he just makes up names like ‘Reddy,’ ‘Busy’ and ‘Rainbows’ for the ones he doesn’t remember. Another activity is riding his balance bike and scooter, which would terrify anyone watching for the first time because he is SO fast. Lately, Joe has been taking him down to the end of our cul-de-sac, which is at the bottom of a pretty steep hill, and they throw balls of all sorts up the street and watch them roll down. It’s extra fun if they go down into the drainage ditch and they have to ‘explore’ to find them.
So Joseph has some imaginary friends and they’ve been around since he was about 2. Deedee, Stony, and Deer Deer are their names, don’t ask, and they come up when we are telling stories about our day or something from our childhood or the news. Deedee reminds me of the DosXX most interesting man. No matter what, he tops our stories, scores a little higher, or just simply outdoes us. I think it’s Joseph’s way of being included in ‘big’ conversations.
This summer, Joseph’s obsession with the water hose has continued. He could literally play for hours with the water hose. He likes to make waterfalls and rivers in the rocks and dirt. I like to send him out in his pajamas in the morning and then once he’s soaked, we get dressed for the day.
Joseph hasn’t napped since a few months before his 3rd birthday. The only time he naps is if he falls asleep in the car and we can transfer him to the couch. But, honestly, he wakes up so cranky that I try to keep him awake:)
Joseph is mamas boy! He told me the other night after his bedtime story, “Mama, I love you to all the numbers. And did you know they never stop? They just peek on going.” Whenever Joseph gets hurt, he only needs a kiss from mama and he immediately stops crying and all is well again. At bedtime he kisses Madeleine goodnight and hugs her so BIG and then races to beat Joe to his room.
These are just some of the special parts of Joseph as a three year old I never want to forget. Below are his answers to his 3 year old interview that we did the week of his birthday. Joseph you are such a sweet boy!!
What is your name?-Joseph Charles Pawelek
What is your favorite color? Blue, blue and red
What is your favorite snack? Fruit Snacks
What is your favorite song? Old McDonald had a Farm (Joseph calls McDonald’s the restaurant, Old McDonalds)
What is your favorite toy? That toy…up there
What is your favorite drink? Root beer (The kids love to get root beer and Joe always teases them that they too young to have beer)
What is your favorite Restaurant? Taco Cabana
Who is your best friend? Madeleine
What do you want to be when you grow up? A priest
Where do you want to go to college? Texas
What is your favorite thing to do at the playground? Go down the slides
Do you like your bike or scooter better? Bike
Who do you love? Madeleine
What is your favorite movie? Dora
What is your favorite book? Goodnight Goodnight Construction Site
What is your favorite Breakfast? Peanut Butter Toast
What is your favorite dinner that mom makes? Sausage Pasta
What is your favorite hat to wear? Cowboy hat (it’s really his Astros cap)
Where do you like to go for fun? Chuckee Cheese and ChickfilA