We baptized Joseph on April 25th at the church named after his patron saint, St. Joseph. This is the church Joe and I were married in and where we baptized Madeleine too. It’s very special to our growing family!
Father Eric, Joe’s childhood priest and our great family friend, came in from Sealy, Texas to celebrate the sacrament and had a beautiful message. He talked about Joseph’s mission from God and what he might be called to in his life. This really hit home for me. Baby Joe Joe was only three weeks old at the time and I hadn’t really looked beyond his tiny little presence to the great big life he has in front of him. It’s crazy that God gives us these tiny little humans to bring up in the faith and then send out into the world to be His hands, His body, His love here on Earth. I don’t know what God has planned for our children, but I trust that he will love them and take care of them as they fulfill their purpose.
Welcome to this wonderful faith Joseph! You slept like and angel the entire time.

Joseph’s God Parents, Becky and David
We had a celebration at our house afterwards and since the baptism took place at 9 AM we went with a Rise and Shine theme. We served breakfast tacos and had a mimosa bar. I’ve always wanted to do a mimosa bar and it lived up to every expectation! We stocked ours with orange juice, cranberry juice, peach bellini juice and assorted fruits to garnish. A breakfast party was so fun and then wonderful to have the rest of the day to do whatever!! Here are a few pictures of the party decor…