Medicine Cabinet Organization
Y’all this is my first organizing project since Joseph came along and it felt so good to start and finish this project…even if it was a small one. It all started when I was trying to put my vitamins back in the cabinet and every time I made room something else fell out. #crowded


I took everything out of both medicine cabinets, our and the kids’, and tossed everything that was expired. I was SO surprised at how much medicine we threw out. No joke there were some from 2012…yikes! I realized that we had a lot more in our cabinet than the kids so I transferred all our thermometers, Pepto, and throat spray over to the kids bathroom to make room. We don’t use these things on a regular basis so I’m sure we won’t miss them on our side.
The remaining items I separated into categories like allergy, cold and flu, pain relief, etc. I took a picture of everything layed out on the counter so that I could reference back when I was shopping for containers. This was very helpful to know what quantity and sizes to plan for. The Container Store has caddies and containers specifically for medicine and then their selection of small boxes is great too.

Since everything was out of the cabinets I decided to add some “wall paper” using the same wrapping paper I installed as drawer liners. This is how I did it here and here.

Putting everything back in was a little like playing Tetris (remember that game?) and the caddy allows for easy reaching and maximizing the vertical space. I used tall acrylic boxes for storing bandaids (kids and adult) and thermometers. The small cubbies hold items like chapstick and droppers while bigger bottles can stand alone.
Share your medicine cabinet organizing tips with me at