Madeleine has upgraded to her big girl room and inherited a big girl closet along with it. Essentially it’s the same size as the nursery closet but has a different layout and, therefore, a different organization plan.
I am excited because her new closet has 4 rods but honestly, she is growing so fast that I am packing up small sizes before even using all the rod space. This gave me the idea to remove one of the rods and add a shelf to store shoes, toys, etc. The desk we had in this room before comes apart into a short and tall shelf unit and wouldn’t you know that the short unit fits perfectly inside the closet nook? Holla!!




The unit has 4 shelves; the top two I used for shoe storage and the bottom two I used for toy bins and accessories. Joe cut another shelf to put right above the rod because the track was already there so now we have 3 shoe shelves, not pictured. (This has happened in several of our closets so check yours to see if your rod has the track and you can easily add storage space with a plywood shelf) I bought these adorable linen bins from target and I can fit three on each shelf. The contents of each bin are:
- -Bloomers and tights
- -Headbands
- -Hats and beanies
- -Toys take up two bottom bins; I love having her toys on the bottom shelf so she can get them out on her own, and on a good day, put them away on her own.
- -Attic (This is where I temporarily put items that she has grown out of. Once the bin is full I put them in the attic where I am saving all her stuff in case we have another little girl someday.)




Right now her clothes are divided by season, which in Texas is summer and winter. I hang up all long sleeve shirts, sweaters, and winter dresses (winter) and hang all tank tops, short sleeved shirts, summer dresses, and rompers (summer). I fold shorts, skirts, pants, and leggings and store them in the bottom drawer of her dresser.
For the top shelves in closets I like to purchase linen bins that I can easily pull down for those hard to reach high places instead of playing a balancing act. In these bins I store luggage, memory boxes, and very seasonal things such as ski pants and boots. On the shelf in between rods I have another linen bin that holds diapers and wipes so they are easy to grab and restock.
M’s big girl closet is perfect for this season of life. Her stuff is put away but it’s still easy to play!