I know I’ve raved about magic erasers before but I still am amazed every time I use them. Madeleine is really into coloring but doesn’t quite understand that you can’t color everything, only paper. I found her coloring on her Minnie Mouse car, her stool, and even the fridge. At first I tried a warm wash cloth which worked on the plastic car but it took a lot of elbow grease. It wasn’t coming off the fridge so I pulled out an eraser and BAM! It wiped off so easily!!
I also used a magic eraser on Madeleine’s furniture in her new big girl room. Our neighbors down the street have a daughter entering middle school and she was ready to get rid of her little girl bedroom set so they just gave it to us. Major score because it is such good quality, great colors, and free. Thanks neighbors! There were only a few scratches here and there so I took a Magic eraser and wiped down everything. Take a look at the before (right) and after (left) of the drawers under the bed.
I mean right?
For the dresser I cleaned out the drawers and lined them with this cool gold chevron wrapping paper. I love this little trick because it’s so inexpensive and makes the drawers look so sharp. Here’s how I lined the nursery dresser and our bathroom vanity. All you need is wrapping paper and a washable glue stick.

We did take a drawer to Lowes and color matched the paint for a few light touch ups. You will see how it all comes together when I post about her big girl room soon. Can’t wait to show you how everything turned out!
The wrapping paper liner idea is so clutch! Looks great!