I cannot believe you are ten months old already! In two short months we will be celebrating your first birthday and I feel like you are still such a tiny baby. Just crazy!
You are all over the place this month; cruising around the furniture, crawling everywhere in the house, climbing stairs (and stools), and standing up in your crib (which we lowered this month). You especially love daring yourself to fit through tight spots and we are always impressed to see you come out from behind/under the furniture and squeeze through the ottomans.
You have several stances that are so cute like a little hurkey with one leg out straight and the other tucked behind you and the past few days you have started to squat with one knee up and one under your bum. Dad said you will probably be a catcher with that kind of leg work, haha!
You have a learned a couple of tricks this month which are fun to quiz you on. You clap when we say “yay!” When we tell you to laugh, you throw your head way back. And you blow kisses. You are now getting old enough to understand “chasing” and we all like to crawl around and catch you.
Your first tooth popped out this month on the bottom right side! Yay! You were very fussy and clingy for about two days and then once it broke through your were chirpy again. Your doctor encouraged us to feed you whatever we are eating at meal time just cut up or smashed and this has changed your life. You. eat. so. much! We honestly struggle to tear and cut fast enough because you shovel food in by the handful. You are so excited to eat and kick kick kick your legs while you are waiting in your high chair for the next bite. I feel like you are growing so much, especially length wise and most of your pants are too short even though they are loose around the hips.
This month you weigh 17lb 8oz and are 27.6 inches long. You are wearing size 3 diapers, 6-12 month clothes (there are a few 12-18 month jammies) and size 3 shoes. Your hair is a tiny bit longer and we can’t tell if it’s brown or blonde and your big eyes are blue. Happy 10 months Joseph!