Yes! I believe in junk drawers! We have one in our kitchen and it’s a catch all for random things that don’t live somewhere else in the house.
I remember rummaging through the junk drawer we had in the kitchen as a kid. It was kind of like a treasure box, you never knew what you would find, and if something was lost it was the first place you would look.

This client was proud of their catch all drawer. It was kind of like a “wait till you see this,” kind of thing. Since it’s such a large drawer there was quite a bit of stuff; tools, hardware, phone accessories, art supplies, etc. I was impressed! But most things simply belonged somewhere else in their home which was an easy way to purge the drawer. To complete the project, I purchased three drawer organizers and sorted things into categories. Dividing up a large drawer with compartments makes a big impact on looks and function.

This project inspired me to tackle my own junk. Do you have a junk drawer? What is the most random thing you find in there? Mine is a used tissue! ew!